Hope to see you there! It’ll be my first convention in awhile and I’m excited to be back in the scene.
– Find my Fantasy Art on dice bags and playmats in the Print Shop (in the Art Show area)
– Find my Art Nouveau birthstone series on prints in the Print shop, as well as matted and signed prints in the Art Show.
– Find my birthstone themed masks on display next to the matted prints in the Art Show.
My Panels at JordanCon:
FRIDAY, 4-21, 2:30-3:30 pm, Monroe.
Painting an Art Nouveau Lady
I’ll be showing a video, talking briefly about Art Nouveau, and giving a demo on drawing Art Nouveau style hair!
SUNDAY, 4-23, 1-2 pm, Washington.
Selling Your Art Online
I’ll be on a panel with multiple artists discussing everything related to selling art online, from Patreon and beyond!