With the last days of Spring nearing and the onset of Summer, it’s time for that annual compulsive urge for Spring Cleaning! Out with the old, in with the new! (Or perhaps it’s the fact that it’s getting really hot here in Georgia and I am less compelled to go outside). That means I’ve finally sat down and done some things I’ve been meaning to do. Including, but not limited to the following:
– Finally made the following prints available as Limited Editions through Angelic Shades:

– The very same prints are now available in my DeviantART and Zazzle shops as various products. The Zazzle post cards and calendars are even more awesome than DA’s because I can customize the backs and add text. The calendars are also available with various colors for the wire binding and in three different sizes. Here’s just a sampling of what I have available on Zazzle:
make custom gifts at Zazzle
– I recently sat and made a Google calendar of what convention art shows I’m hoping to participate in. There’s not much on it now, but I hope to have a full schedule soon once I do a bit MOAR research. If you know of any good shows accepting fantasy themed work, do drop me a line! Right now, I’m aiming for San Diego Comicon, Dragon Con, and Anime Weekend Atlanta for certain.
– Speaking of Dragon Con, the great convention rush begins bright and early! I’ve never really had a table space that wasn’t sad and amateurish. I’m currently researching ways to make a winning table display that doesn’t look like I’ve propped it up on some cardboard boxes with a home printed banner. Any tips from anyone out there about what makes a successful table? So far I’ve got grid cubes and…well…that’s it.
Still a long way to go before I’ll be ready for Dragon Con’s Artist Bazaar, but that’s why I’m starting early!
Has the Spring Cleaning bug hit anyone else these days? I always find it refreshing to get those nagging tasks done so I can get back to the arting.
Other than having something vertical I’m not sure. It’s going to be a problem for me because I have to ship stuff or fit it in a suit case.
Hmm I think that table easels will probably serve well to prop up small artwork and business cards to help attract folks. Maybe there are some foldable ones you can find that are light and easy to transport or ship?
I definitely don’t envy the folks that are flying out to the con who have to have a table full of stuff. I would think most people with excessive amounts of stuff probably rent a uhaul. I’m still figuring out what’s the best strategy for carrying inventory if I ever want to do a con out of state!
Lol, I still do the propped-up thing with boxes. Mostly because as mere says, I also fly out and there’s only so much you can put in 2 50 lb suitcases and a carryon. I do ship some stuff ahead of time to various friends who drive.
But what I would suggest (if you don’t do this already) – Tableclothes!! Lots of them! Pretty colors and prints. Grab scraps from some discard fabric store. I use them to drape over the aforementioned stacked boxes, after piling the boxes up into aesthetically pleasing formations. It’s an idea I stole from Judith Rauchfuss a decade ago when she would display her masks like that, and I asked her how she made her display look so good. There’s always discard boxes lying around at conventions after setup that can be appropriated.
Also, I have a bunch of little table easels as well.
What Steph mentioned reminds me of what we used to do in Ceramics class to present our critiques. Just go by that rule and I figure you can’t go too wrong. XD The idea of a multi-tiered display seems intriguing to me (but that may be because I’ve been shopping for fixtures for Art Show).
Ohh yes we have plenty of scraps from projects here at home. I’ll definitely be covering things up to hide the boxes. I’m hoping to find a place that has racks to display things in as well. Thanks for sharing!
If you run into any good sites you’ll have to share with me. I’m looking for some tabletop bins with multi-tiered displays at the moment.