A virile man with glistening muscles and an impeccable tan wields a gleaming sword over his head that rightly should weigh more than he does. But he can lift it because he’s the hero. At his feet, an equally athletic woman scantily clad in chainmail and still shrugging off the bindings of her rescue appears surprised with one hand lifted to her mouth in a gesture of delicate fear.
This is your classic fantasy. Conan the Barbarian, Heavy Metal, what we might call high fantasy, sword and sorcery, or fantastic realism…and it’s an image that’s become one eternally linked to what makes fantasy Fantasy.
I grew up watching Schwarzenegger’s “Conan the Barbarian” over and over till my parents were sick of it. And yes, I even watched “Red Sonja” and “Super Girl”, all the sparkly spinoffs of the boy fantasy stuff made for girls that was just plain 80’s horrible. But it wasn’t till shows like She-Ra and Xena: Warrior Princess came along that I decided in my pubescent wisdom that I wanted to be a warrior princess.
Why settle myself to pink ruffles (or a chainmail bikini) and waiting to be saved when I could be like Xena and fix my own dislocated shoulder with a quick shove into a nearby wall? Here was a fantasy figure I could latch onto. She was smart, independent, as good a fighter as any Conan, but sensual and caring when she needed to be without ever losing her edge.
There was just something missing from the chainmail bikini-clad women of popular fantasy. They were a plot device, an archetype designed to make the hero whole. But why be a device when you could be the hero? It appealed to that independent streak in me that admired the ability to take action for one’s self. Xena still saw her share of sexy outfits, but through it all, she defined herself as a well-rounded character who took command of a central plot for countless seasons of storytelling. But many people like to watch her only for the outfits and her sexy looks, since we all know sex sells, that’s why many adult sites are really popular now a days, and some people even go to sites as gayporn.wiki to find the type of adult material they like.
Nowadays, I wonder what we think of when we think of fantasy and the figures we wish we could be. What art comes to mind? Vallejo, Bell, and Frazetta are some of the big few who formed our classic foundations, but who will form the archetypes of our future? What images will strike us and inspire future generations to leap about the living room in raucous games of Pretend? Will we just keep building on these archetypes or will they ever be replaced entirely?
Will it be sparkling vampires? Half-demon antiheroes? Quick-witted thieves with hidden streaks of morality and guilds at their backs?
(While dragons, it seems, are impervious to the passage of time, as far as popularity goes).
Only time will tell, I suppose. Meanwhile, I will enjoy my Xena reruns and sharpen my knives. X-actos will have to do till the time comes that I fulfill my childhood aspirations of being a warrior princess.
How about yourselves? What figures comes to mind for you when people say ‘Fantasy’? What fantastical figure did you want to be like growing up? Those of you with children, who do your kids pretend to be like?
Image by Earl Norem
My boy was and always shall be Hercules. I have studied the mythology on him so intently so that I learned Latin just so I could read some of it.
I wanted to be a dragon of course. my second choice was elf.
I’m not sure your question applies, since I am. 😉 Wonderfully insightful and thought provoking, as usual.
He was definitely a fascinating figure not only because he was epically strong, but epically flawed. I still prefer the original version to the tv version, but both are entertaining in their own right.
lol somehow I’m not surprised! Oddly, my liking of Elves did not come till much later when I started studying Celtic mythology in my early teens. Instead of dragons, it was dinosaurs that appealed to me. They were fascinating to me because it was so hard for me to imagine that such gigantic things roamed the earth right where I was sitting. I’m more of an eastern dragon person myself:)
Thanks Jade! It takes some willpower to make sure these late night ramblings have a point and are intelligible. XD
oh yes dinosaurs. I loved those as well. I wanted to be an archeologist when I was tiny. My mum was a bit dissappointed in me I think, she bought me dolls and gave me a baby carriage and all. I didnt care. I had my awesome collection of plastic dinos and that was all that mattered to me. I watched A Land Before Time a lot. ^^
I think the dragon/fantasy fever hit me with my very first movie – The Neverending story. I watched it over and over. Tho I prefer western dragons actually.
Im gonna have to blog about this I think. I have a lot to write on the subject.
I know I’ve had some spurts at wanting to be a dragon, but they always passed. I also wanted to be a squirrel for a very long time, which has its roots in something not entirely unrelated to fantasy.
More often though, I definitely had my warrior princess (or princess of thieves) streak. I ran around and had adventures in the yard, scaled trees, leaped to safety, and the like. I’m pretty sure I tried the damsel thing too, but it was terribly boring with no playmates to rescue me and my dog not really understanding what I was trying to do. I far preferred sneaking around on some grand adventure of my own. I swear I still have dreams like that, actually, where the settings I imagined into our forest as a kid turn into actual backdrops… weird weird stuff.