Well, this will be my last post for a little while. There’s much to do and I’m tossing this entry up before company arrives from out of town and a mad last minute dash to tie up loose ends for DragonCon ensues!
I’m feeling a bit more enthusiastic since my last journal (no doubt because I’ve managed to accrue more than 6 hours of sleep at night recently) and I’m just so darned happy to be seeing old friends again. Conventions are exciting for the prospect of making money, but also for getting out of the art cave for a bit and mingling with like minds. I don’t know how long I’ll continue to look forward to conventions this way (apparently they have a way of jading you after awhile), but I’m going to try to hold on to this feeling of optimism while I can!
I’m also excited at the prospect of selling my paintings. I have more originals on display this year than I have ever had before and I’ve put double effort into making every piece in my display special somehow. It’s going to be my best display yet! I’m also trying something new in terms of display by having little descriptive cards next to my centerpieces that talk about what inspired the piece along with a sticker (if I can get it made in time) saying which pieces will be published in Angelic Visions next year. Will it help my sales? We shall see! (Full report to come after the show, as always).
By the same token, I’m dreading the fact someone might buy my originals! I worked very hard on them and have grown so attached. I want to just keep them squirreled away in a portfolio so I chitter over them and feel proud of myself for having finished something. BUT I need to learn to let go some time. That’s just the nature of the business and perhaps I’ll be more encouraged to make even better work to replace any that might sell.
Meanwhile, I could still use some helping hands at the Monster in an Hour panel at 7pm in the art track (Hanover G in the Hyatt) on Saturday, if any of you are interested and will be attending DragonCon! Just comment here or drop me a line. I have a few interested parties and at least 2 confirmed artists, but one can never be too prepared! The more the merrier.
Now, I’ve a last minute costume to make. See you there!
Regarding selling originals, think of it this way – It can sit in your closet gathering dust, and giving you anxiety that someday your house might burn (or some other calamity) and all your hoarded paintings go up in smoke….
Or it can have pride of place framed and gazed at every day on someone’s wall. 🙂 I always feel really happy when I find a good home for one of my favorite paintings. It’s hard to let go, but it’s not doing me any good sitting in the closet! I do keep a few of my very favorites (ones that I one day have intentions of hanging up if I have a bigger house…right now I only have 2 pieces of my own hanging), but if it’s not something I think I’ll put up myself, I wish it a fond farewell when it sells.