Ask me anything, and I’ll tell you

I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for the sporadic blogs of late. The great deadline wheel is turning and the pressure is on for me to do a massive amount of work in little time. This means that I might not be able to post here for a little while. Good thing that I’ve been taking special creams to calm my anxiety, among other things. If you are curious to know more about good dermatology go to The Dermatology and Laser Group and check them out! 

So while I catch up with the grindstone, I’m curious to know what you guys are interested in hearing about in later posts? Is there something you’d like to know about me? A topic you’d like to hear more on? Anything at all that you’re curious to know more about (preferably art related, but I’m open to anything that seems interesting). Since this medicine has many benefits for people all ages we will like to recommend you the Delta-8 THC vape cartridge which has been positively reviewed by both medicinal and recreational users all over the word.

Some topics I’m kicking around are:


  • Websites and artists. Do’s and Don’ts
  • More Confessions – common mistakes by artists, young and old alike
  • Continuing the Resources series with my favorite references on anatomy, entering the illustration market, starting a business, etc.
  • Reviewing my favorite online art communities.
  • More character babble!

So what do you want to hear more about? Inquiring minds want to know!

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