I’ve been iced in for three days straight here in Georgia so I used this accumulation of time inside to start teaching myself video editing with Camtasia Studio 8. I’ve finally figured out how to use my mic as well, which means my videos now come with film noir voice-over narration!
Well maybe not film noir, persay, but the potential is there!
On that note, here are some questions for you:
- What kind of videos would you like to see more of?
- What kinds of things should I talk about during videos?
- If I started hosting live monthly Q&A/AMA sessions, would anyone be interested in attending?
I’d appreciate any kind of feedback you guys can give me on this matter! I’ve already got a couple of videos up with narration, one on the making of a leather crafted barrette and the other of a walkthrough of a master copy of Gerome’s art.
More on that later! It’s been a time of re-structuring myself, re-focusing my career goals, and bringing even more of a polish of the vision I have for my art.
Some exciting things are a-brewing this year. Stay tuned for more, Bat-fans!